Application for the "International Metal AM Coordinator" Advanced Training Course

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The registration period for the new online course to obtain the qualification of International AM Metal Coordinator is now open! 

About the Course: 

Format: Online training

Proficiency level : Advanced (Aligned with EQF 6)

Estimated duration : 175 Hours (approx. 25 hours training / month)

Period: Starting in November 2022 and ending in May 2023 

Syllabus (contents): CU 00: Additive manufacturing Process Overview; CU 01: DED-Arc Process ; CU 08: DED-LB Process ; CU 15: PBF-LB Process; CU 25: Post Processing; CU 34: Process selection ; CU 35: Metal AM integration CU 36: Coordination activities; CU 75 BJ Process

Take note that the lessons will be recorded

The assessment will be performed through a written exam after each CU

At least 60% of assistance to the online lessons is required to be awarded with the Metal AM Coordinator Diploma 

A free digital Record of Achievement per completed CU will be issued at the end of the course

The Metal AM Coordinator Diploma will be awarded, after the successful completion of all CUs, involving the payment of 50€

Access conditions to apply the course are :

Holding a Engineering degree in Mechanical, Materials, Aeronautic, or equivalent

English language skills (Independent User Level – Understanding speaking and writing)


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