From IDONIAL we offer both Legal and Industrial Metrology services. We have a calibration laboratory accredited by ENAC in various areas of work with the aim of offering our clients the possibility to keep all their measuring equipment properly calibrated, thus improving their positioning and competitiveness in the market.
Industrial Metrology
Calibration Laboratory accredited by ENAC with Accreditation nº 86 / LC10058 in the following areas:
Dimensional (king's feet, micrometers, comparators, patron bars, rule probes, etc).
Pressure and vacuum (gauges and vacuometers).
Temperature (thermometers, thermocouples, thermoresistances, etc.).
DC electricity and low frequency (multimeters, ammeters, shunts, clamps, resistance meters, etc.).
Mass and weighing instruments (standard masses, scales and balances).
Acoustics and ultrasounds (sonometers and acoustic calibrators).
Calibration laboratory with metrological traceability for other instruments (dynamometric keys, ovens and stoves, etc.).
Gas meter testing.
Dimensional measurement service of parts and components.
Consulting and advisory services in Metrological Management and calibration plans.
Legal Metrology
Inspection Entity accredited by ENAC with accreditation nº 396 / EI 693 (phase of instruments in service) on the following areas (see scopes at
- Verification of fuel pumps and non-fuel pumps (Adblue).
- Verification of measurement systems in tank trucks.
- Verification of analog and electronic manometers for vehicles.
- Verification of sonometers and acoustic calibrators
Check the specific regulations in this link: Applicable regulations Legal Metrology.
Electromagnetic Compatibility Laboratory

The CEMLab Laboratory is equipped with a semi-anechoic chamber and several equipments to perform electromagnetic compatibility tests (immunity, emission, electrical safety) on electronic products.
This evaluation allows to know the electromagnetic disturbance generated by the equipment in normal operating conditions, as well as subject it to certain radiation and disturbances conducted to ensure its robustness.
In addition, our specialized staff offers our clients personalized advice on electromagnetic quality and CE marking, which, complemented with the capabilities of our electronics laboratory, allows us to guide the design of electrical and electronic products to the final compliance with the applicable regulations or their rapid adaptation in case of negative evaluation.
Comparators bench.
Coordinate measuring machines.
Articulated coordinate measuring arm.
Láser tracker.
Multifunction calibrator.
Hydraulics Gas Piston and Pneumatics Gas Piston Gauges.
Gas meter test bench.
Electric meter test bench.
- Calibration Laboratory accredited by ENAC with Accreditation nº 86 / LC10058 ( WWW.ENAC.ES )
- Inspection Entity accredited by ENAC with accreditation nº 396 / EI 693, Instruments in service ( WWW.ENAC.ES )
- Entity designated as Authorized Metrological Verification Body, with No. 05-OV-0003, by the Ministry of Employment, Industry and Tourism of the Principality of Asturias (Resolution of 18-2-2019, BOPA No. 45 of 6-3-209 ).
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