Last 6th April 2020, a new article about ReSiSTant project was published on Open Access Government Journal. ReSiSTant is a Horizon 2020 project aiming to reduce environmental impact of aircrafts and industry by applying nanotechnology.
The project consortium is composed of SMEs - Bionic Surface technologies and Nanto Cleantech -, Research and Technology Centers and Universities - IFAM, IDONIAL, RTWH Aachen University and TU Graz - , consultancies – RINA - and industrial leaders – General Electric, MAN Energy Solutions and Lufthansa Technik.
The article explains how micro and nanotechnology help to reduce drag on key application related to aircraft turbofan engines (Demonstrator 1) and industrial compressors (Demonstrator 2). This will help to save energy and to reduce weight and noise on these two applications led by industrial key players in the sector: General Electric and Lufthansa Technik for Demonstrator 1 and MAN Energy Solutions for Demonstrator 2. Latest results and coming events are also included on the article.
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